1012 St. Peters – French Quarter


To Inquire about this property, fill out the form below the listing, or contact the host directly by phone or email shown below the photo gallery.

Be in the heart of the city’s historic district; walk to any of the first class restaurants that call the French Quarter their home. Shop Royal Street for those treasures you can only find in New Orleans. Be a part of the nightlife that is the French Quarter experience, lose yourself in the music.

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Notes from our year in the French Quarter

The Bitch at the Grill, The Grouch at the Emporium

March 08 2010 (Photo credit: Jeremy Edmund

What you probably don’t realize about the French Quarter is how easy it is to live here. If you come for a visit, you’ll never even know that it’s a geniune neighborhood.Within these twenty blocks, there are hundreds of actual residences, hidden behind closed shutters, garage doors, iron gates and other forms of distraction, real people live here – not just Brad Pitt and What’s-Her-Name and other millionaires and writers and artists.

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