To Inquire about this property, fill out the inquiry form below the listing, or contact Anne Beck at 504-812-4702. This is a managed property by NOLASinc.

We call it the “gardener’s cottage,” this cozy apartment in Uptown. It’s an independent apartment downstairs from our home, and SO convenient to everything you want to do in New Orleans.
Our home was built in 1927 in the Marlyville (Fontainebleu) neighborhood of Uptown; a Spanish revival jewel, which had some interesting architectural and decorative touches stored in the basement garage area. You’ll notice some of them, repurposed into unique features in the cottage – an exposed brick wall cupboard, built to reveal the old basement walls; a window frame we used to tame the ivy plants; and the kitchen was rescued and updated to please our guests.
You’ll notice that we have experience with vacation visitors, and we know how to spoil you! Comfy bed, plentiful fresh towels, free Wi-Fi, and a cheat sheet in the unit with all the conveniences you may need to access while you’re here – (including a laundry service, food delivery, helpful hints on eating out, and some “locals only” attractions, like our neighborhood peacock, Archie!)
The whole apartment is all yours! We live upstairs, and our offices are in the back half of downstairs, but you have your own entrance and all the privacy you prefer.
Ask about this property by calling 504-812-4702 or fill out the form below to inquire: