A Craigslist Ad from 2014, before Hurricane Gustav. Actually.
$200 / 1br – Front Row Seats For Gustav! “Sliver By The River” Ride Of Your LIFE!
Are you looking for a once in a lifetime out of this world experience? Do you want to feel the full impact of Mother Nature?? Ride this baby out and you will have a story to tell the grandkids! I will even throw in 6 Meals Ready to Eat, or MRE’s, 6 gallons of water, 2 gallons of gas and a disposable camera, enough supplies to sustain 2 people for 3 days. You, of course, may want to bring beer, batteries and anything else that comes to mind. Do you want to document the event? Do you want to be a first responder? Are you curious to experience a force that is not to be understood?
I have pictures, a website, and all the information you could possibly need. I, of course, am not responsible for you getting yourself injured or possibly killed during this event, but I can tell you this: We did not flood during Katrina. We lost 3 ridge caps on our roof during that storm. We had no broken windows. Our building is made of brick and mortar, not wood. We have off street parking available for 1 or more cars. Our condo is fully furnished and located on the second floor. We were the first zip code to be let back into the city following Katrina.
Sound exciting? Dangerous? Please respond if you would like more details.
Serious inquiries only. Documents will need to be signed limiting our liability. I will be staying 2 doors down, so we can have beers together.
Your choice of MRE’s are: Barbeque Pork Rib, Grilled Chicken, Beef Ravioli (my favorite), and Thai Chicken.
$200/night 2 night minimum.